About Me
Hello, I'm Sophie.
It's nice to meet you...
The first thing is first... no, I'm NOT Australian. I'm born and raised in England but after living in Australia for 3 years, apparently, I still have an Australian twang. If you are Australian, you won't hear it. If you are anyone else, I'm glad we cleared that one up.
So where do we start... maybe my name? So Grace is my middle name but Admin might as well be too.
For over 10 years, I have had a passion for all things admin, organising and planning. When I found out at age 16 that I could go and study Event Management, that was the point I started planning out my whole life.
But quickly did I realise that my sense of adventure would take me in a different direction. A 1-year GAP year turned into a 3-year adventure in Australia, growing and developing my skills and passion for all things administrative, which finally landed me back in the UK.
After spending 3 years settling back, I launched Wild Grace Associates. So why not take a chance on me and trust that what I've learnt over the past decade will only enrich your business.

My Expertise
Calendar Scheduling Social Media Graphics
Database Management Event Planning Social Media Scheduling
Events Styling Travel Co-ordination GSuite Wizard MailChimp
WordPress Experience WIX Website Design Research